A positive writing experience for children and teens.
I WRITE & GO! inspires children and motivates teens to write from their experience, promotes authors, and the craft of writing.
I Write & GO! is designed to capture kids' imagination, motivate them to write, create something, and share it.
Our pilot program offers children ages 6 -12 a chance to write a story they want to tell. It can be about the present times or anything imaginable.
Authors will guide storytelling, reading passages from books and asking young writers to go with an idea or find inspiration in their surroundings. Authors are scheduled to lead one or two 90-minute sessions on Writing Sundays or Wednesdays in July and August. The sessions are free. Seating is limited. Pre-registration is preferred. Use the QR to sign up.
All children and drop-ins are welcome. Associate Writers (published HS and college students) are there to guide the storytelling, artwork and writing for children new to creative writing.
Sign up to receive notifications and updates about the schedule and Authors each week.
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Animated reading. Story by Chetan Chauhuan, 2nd Grader